super virile wheel koan get its 15 clicks

birdloft's virile wheel koanA collection of man-related juiciness created by a tastemaker in Singapore put birdloft's wheel koan on the front page of etsy on Tuesday, pushing page views into the stratosphere - up from a daily usual of about seven views to 478. Amazing. No sales. But still, amazing, good exposure.The collection: man at large, by Gavin. For the record, his treasuries are consistently beauties. View here at man at largeThis was the second time, as far as I know, that birdloft furniture has made it to the front, or FP, as etsy people call it.It's also true that just about anything can make the front page of etsy. Maybe the views are less, if the product is less awesome, but the filter definitely seems to sometimes be off. Regretsy Regardless, the wheel koan takes the much sought-after etsy FP button. Appropriate responses "Yay!" "Woo-hoo!"this-item-front-page


out of the wet and raw


new year wreath